Is this a beginning, or is this the end?It is almost impossible to predict the long-term impact of AI on humanity, but when it comes to learning and knowledge, two alternative…Feb 15, 2024Feb 15, 2024
What chess can teach us about the future of AIIt was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Charles Dickens’ memorable opening line from “A Tale of Two Cities”, symbolizing an…Feb 6, 2024Feb 6, 2024
2023 in Education: the greatest year that never was.Imagine that you are an Uber driver and you are gifted a brand new, top of the line, self-driving car, with every imaginable comfort…Dec 18, 2023Dec 18, 2023
El riesgo no es la inteligencia artificial sino las desinteligencias humanasSi bien era de esperar que la irrupción de la inteligencia artificial generativa en la educación generara ciertos anticuerpos, como una…Aug 16, 2023Aug 16, 2023
El efecto “Caja Negra”, el mayor riesgo de la inteligencia artificial en educación.A medida que ChatGPT y las aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial generativa prometen, de una vez por todas, revolucionar el mundo de la…Aug 3, 2023Aug 3, 2023
AI in Education’s Greatest Risk: the Black Box EffectAs ChatGPT and generative AI applications take the world by storm and promise, this time for real, to revolutionize the way we learn, we…Aug 3, 2023Aug 3, 2023
AI in Education: Academic Integrity and Eating the MenuAs soon as ChatGPT made its surprise irruption into our lives, with its almost omniscient capabilities, education´s collective reaction was…Jul 25, 2023Jul 25, 2023
Inteligencia Artificial en Educación: integridad académica, ¿el menú o la comida?En cuanto ChatGPT hizo su irrupción intempestiva en el mundo, sorprendiéndonos con sus prestaciones casi omniscientes, la reacción…Jul 25, 2023Jul 25, 2023
¿Quiénes no entienden lo que leen?En los últimos días la organización Argentinos por la Educación lanzó una campaña en medios de comunicación y redes sociales, bajo la…May 8, 2023May 8, 2023
As education evolves, we need a new species and not a hybrid model of schooling.In what is a classic example of unwitting self-deprecation by the education industry as a whole, we often refer to the blend of online and…Oct 15, 20201Oct 15, 20201
What we have learned… so far.At this turbulent and most uncertain of times, when experts in education and many other areas are invading our online consciousness with…Jun 8, 20201Jun 8, 20201